‘Thumbs Down Guy’ excited Mets signed Todd Frazier By Steven Marcus

Todd Frazier’s signing with the Mets is a double-digit deal.
The Mets’ new third baseman, signed to a two-year deal pending a physical, will be reunited with Mets fan Gary Dunaier, aka “Thumbs Down Guy,” whose gesture was parlayed by Frazier into a rallying cry for the 2017 Yankees.
“It’s a whole new chapter in the wonderful world of thumbs down,’’ Dunaier, a season-ticket holder, said Tuesday from Manhattan Criminal Court, where he is a court office assistant. He intends to invite Frazier out to dinner to show him around Queens. “I think it’s great that Todd Frazier is going to be playing with the Mets and I’m certainly looking forward to him motivating his new teammates like he did last year.’’
That Frazier is staying in New York is also good news for Dunaier’s branding. He has a bobblehead of his likeness coming out soon. Phil Sklar, co-founder and CEO of the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum in Milwaukee, said 250 of the 500 in the initial order have been sold at $25 apiece.

“I’m not getting the full 25 dollars, I’m just getting a percentage of that,’’ Dunaier said. “I think they’re well worth the 25 dollars.
“I’m not going to lie. I would not mind making some money off of this. Certainly, the Yankees made money with the thumbs down T-shirts . . . I’m the guy who started it. Why shouldn’t I make money as well? I’m a regular guy with a regular 9-to-5 job. ‘’
Dunaier, 54, unwittingly became an overnight sensation last Sept. 11 when he attended a Yankees-Rays game that was played at Citi Field because of the effects of Hurricane Irma in Tampa, Florida. Frazier hit a three-run homer and the suspender-wearing, full-bearded Dunaier, an anti-Yankees fan, showed his displeasure by making a thumbs down sign that was captured on television by the YES cameras.
